Competitive Analysis Report

Get the insights you need on your market. Let our Spyble tools and team combine together to work with you to make a comprehensive overview of what is happening with your competitor websites and the landscape as a whole.


A critical part to start a proper marketing campaign is a competitor research report. Let the team at Spyble get that going for you with our tools and team.

By placing an order with us for a competitive analysis, we will need the following from you:

* Your website

* Your keyword list

* Your competitor websites

* Your main products / services you want to promote.

Once we get this information, we will use our data and team of specialists to put together an analysis and report with the following details:

* Suggested Keywords – based on your inputted keywords and the competitors you give us.

* Additional Competitors – during our research we normally find additional competitors you didn’t find or weren’t even aware you were looking for.

* Content Topic Ideas – In addition to the suggested keywords, we will also gather ideas for blog posts and other forms of content that you may have not thought of.

* Summary and Suggestions – Our team will hand craft some suggestions for you and your business based on the study of your website and the competitor landscape. Ideas for content, additional services, marketing strategies, and more.

So what are you waiting for – let’s get started with your competitive analysis today!